Saturday, 6 March 2010

Sheer Landscape


This started with a pale blue and purple fabric whic I'd hand- dyed but didn't like. I painted a piece of bondaweb with  Lumiere paints and ironed it onto the fabric. I decided to add some sheer organza but didn't have any suitable colours so I dug out some papers I'd painted a couple of years ago with transfer paints. These paints can be used to paint patterns or pictures on ordinary paper then the picture can be ironed onto synthetic fabrics. I had sponged and painted various colours and so could iron these onto my organza. Here's one of the papers:

And the colour trainsferred onto my polyester organza:
Here's another:

I tore the organza into strips and pulled some threads in some pieces to get a scrunched fabric for more texture:
The organza is easy to attach to the fabric as the bondaweb still has some stickiness when ironed. 

I then layered with wadding and backing and quilted with cotton threads, Finally I added beads by machine - watch a video of the technique here.
It is more textured than this photo shows. I may add more beads and still have to bind it but I've enjoyed this and am very satisfied with the result!